Thursday, January 28, 2010

Good Luck

I worked hard removing snow for the past couple days. I get paid to shovel out nineteen townhomes along with about ten other smaller locations. I have access to a four wheeler with a plow on it, that speeds up the bigger stuff. The snow over the last two days was wet, heavy stuff. Luckily the sun came out and melted off a good amount of it, and let me catch up on the ever present thick as hell tough as rock ice. We got one good two foot dump early in the season and that was it, everything has been difficult since. It doesn't help that the dude who plows for the city right there is a jerkoff. He never does a good job, total slacker.
I'm a little sore right now. My back definitely feels the stress, but it's not injured. I'm glad to get paid for the excercise, It's like training for bike and ski stuff without having to follow a tight regimine. I can eat a lot and not really worry about becoming heavier and still get some gain in the old corpse. I just make sure to try and switch my stance to keep the left and right even and use the four wheeler wherever I can. Believe me, there's plenty to do even with it's help.
I'm also doing some work at a few rental units, minor repairs and replacing certain items. It's amazing what people do to apartments, the shit they leave behind and the things they break sometimes make me stare wide eyed at foolish irresponsibility. Some of these folks must be loaded or using stolen identities to be so neglectful and destructive. I have never left an apartment in bad shape, and seeing what I've seen I'm generally pissed at some of the old landlords for what they charged me when I moved out. I've been put in collections for things that were not even issues, I'd forget to vacuum or leave a towel in the bathroom, not break the windows and leave cat shit on the carpet. I'm gonna let it go, forgive the jerks and let Karma take care of it.
I have been broke lately. I don't even have gas money to make it through the week, I hope it doesn't snow too hard because I'm not sure how I can get to the places without my truck. I can do some of the repair work on my bike with a backpack. I really need a cargo bike, That way I'd be all set for work and play.
So anyway, Fuckers, I shall put up another installment of blathering uselessness next time I feel like it. 'til then, don't drink your bathwater and keep your good self right side up.

Good Luck, you'll need it.

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