I worked hard removing snow for the past couple days. I get paid to shovel out nineteen townhomes along with about ten other smaller locations. I have access to a four wheeler with a plow on it, that speeds up the bigger stuff. The snow over the last two days was wet, heavy stuff. Luckily the sun came out and melted off a good amount of it, and let me catch up on the ever present thick as hell tough as rock ice. We got one good two foot dump early in the season and that was it, everything has been difficult since. It doesn't help that the dude who plows for the city right there is a jerkoff. He never does a good job, total slacker.
I'm a little sore right now. My back definitely feels the stress, but it's not injured. I'm glad to get paid for the excercise, It's like training for bike and ski stuff without having to follow a tight regimine. I can eat a lot and not really worry about becoming heavier and still get some gain in the old corpse. I just make sure to try and switch my stance to keep the left and right even and use the four wheeler wherever I can. Believe me, there's plenty to do even with it's help.
I'm also doing some work at a few rental units, minor repairs and replacing certain items. It's amazing what people do to apartments, the shit they leave behind and the things they break sometimes make me stare wide eyed at foolish irresponsibility. Some of these folks must be loaded or using stolen identities to be so neglectful and destructive. I have never left an apartment in bad shape, and seeing what I've seen I'm generally pissed at some of the old landlords for what they charged me when I moved out. I've been put in collections for things that were not even issues, I'd forget to vacuum or leave a towel in the bathroom, not break the windows and leave cat shit on the carpet. I'm gonna let it go, forgive the jerks and let Karma take care of it.
I have been broke lately. I don't even have gas money to make it through the week, I hope it doesn't snow too hard because I'm not sure how I can get to the places without my truck. I can do some of the repair work on my bike with a backpack. I really need a cargo bike, That way I'd be all set for work and play.
So anyway, Fuckers, I shall put up another installment of blathering uselessness next time I feel like it. 'til then, don't drink your bathwater and keep your good self right side up.
Good Luck, you'll need it.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
What do you find scary? Is it things like paranormal occurances, unexplainable happenings in the sky? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you fear being attacked by a bear or a mountain lion? Or is it just the daily routine, going to work or school, dealing with all the things you seemingly cannot avoid? I've found that those things are not that scary. A ghost, if there are continually roaming lost spirits in our world, can't really hurt you. A bear could tear most of us apart, but when I've come across them in the wild we seem to have a mutual desire to not make contact. Work is what you make it, but sometimes it just plain sucks. School is a little different, somebody is always lurking about waiting to get you, no matter what your parents say.
What I find truly frightening is one of the major global catastrophies that is occurring at a tremendous rate. Constantly increasing to a point of unparalleled disaster, always becoming more of a problem at every moment, every single day. The cycle has not been disturbed in the history of the human race. Every second, a child is born.
You may say here "what's the problem with that?" I'll tell you. In the year 2006, the estimated global population of humans hit eight billion. Now think about that number. Most of us have a problem putting that in perspective, but take a minute and contemplate that if you're little brain has the capacity.
The department of wildlife, here in the United States, issues a certain amount of hunting liscences, known as tags, depending on how the population of critters is doing. If it's a good year for elk, then more tags are available for sale to sportsmen. That is called population control. It's been done for millions of years by mother nature. It's also called survival of the fittest, kind of a Darwin thing.
So what happens when mother nature is trumped by a bunch of psychotic apes who think that oil is the best thing since air? What happens when a species becomes so evolved that it can build machines to manipulate it's environment? What happens when a being becomes so intelligent that it can manufacture a shot that immunizes against a particular strain of a particular sickness?
Well, kids, with natural selection out of the picture, populations explode. Meanwhile, everyone still wants do have a kid, or two, or eight like some dumb slut who already had six. That is the epitomy of irresponsible behaviour. Next time you hear a rap star talking about how many illeigitimate kids he has, make note to not follow in that asshole's footsteps. Every time I see a family on television with ten kids getting a new house because of their hardships, I can't help but think they brought it on themselves.
In short, overpopulation of our so called superior species is what scares me. If you have ever seen the footage of the rat epidemic in Australia you'll understand the perspective a little. No one ever said life is fair. It's usually tragic. That kid across the street who can't talk, walk, feed himself, or ever leave his parent's care. The people in hospital beds who had an accident that should have killed them, but instead are just a heap kept alive by modern science, a machine breathing for them. All the unfortunates who were destined for death, but are alive due to laws and abundance of foolishness. Let the dead die, and concentrate on the living.
The saddest part of our current plight is that it all revolves around power and money. There are a bunch of people out there that, wether can admit it or not, own us. You know who they are, they are senators and presidents, politicians and businesspeople. They say that this is our land, but most of us don't have a place to call our own. The leaders of the world tell us they have our interests in mind, unless they are honest and then they're called dictators. These are the ones with huge houses and a few each. They encourage "freedom", saying that it's cool if you have four kids, a polluting, inefficient, massive vehicle. It's great for you to have your own business, as long as you pay taxes. It's great if you're a cutthroat lobbyist or a lying wall street shark.
What about going out and farming a little peice of land? Only if you can afford it, they say. Only if the state and the feds get their cut, junior. There is no freedom, not in this system. The reason it is failing, along with the rest of the world, is due to greed and lust of power. How many times has someone implied that they are better than you? How many times have they proven it? It seems to me that, even though I'm a rambling fool, the powers that be just want to stay just that. Until the last little bit of grain is gone, until drinking water is all but gone, the guys on top just want to stay there, no matter how far they have to fall in the end.
Overpopulation of the human race, wich in nature's grasp would be impossible, will become the number one underlying problem of the modern world. I say this in complete confidence that my view of the world will be ignored. Just keep in mind that in 2006 the estimated world population hit eight billion, and it takes one tenth of the time to double that population.
Please, outlaw invetro fertilization and fertility drugs, promote adoption. There are plenty of kids out there who need a good home already. Listen to nature, if you can't get pregnant it's time to adopt. Some things just aren't meant to be.
What I find truly frightening is one of the major global catastrophies that is occurring at a tremendous rate. Constantly increasing to a point of unparalleled disaster, always becoming more of a problem at every moment, every single day. The cycle has not been disturbed in the history of the human race. Every second, a child is born.
You may say here "what's the problem with that?" I'll tell you. In the year 2006, the estimated global population of humans hit eight billion. Now think about that number. Most of us have a problem putting that in perspective, but take a minute and contemplate that if you're little brain has the capacity.
The department of wildlife, here in the United States, issues a certain amount of hunting liscences, known as tags, depending on how the population of critters is doing. If it's a good year for elk, then more tags are available for sale to sportsmen. That is called population control. It's been done for millions of years by mother nature. It's also called survival of the fittest, kind of a Darwin thing.
So what happens when mother nature is trumped by a bunch of psychotic apes who think that oil is the best thing since air? What happens when a species becomes so evolved that it can build machines to manipulate it's environment? What happens when a being becomes so intelligent that it can manufacture a shot that immunizes against a particular strain of a particular sickness?
Well, kids, with natural selection out of the picture, populations explode. Meanwhile, everyone still wants do have a kid, or two, or eight like some dumb slut who already had six. That is the epitomy of irresponsible behaviour. Next time you hear a rap star talking about how many illeigitimate kids he has, make note to not follow in that asshole's footsteps. Every time I see a family on television with ten kids getting a new house because of their hardships, I can't help but think they brought it on themselves.
In short, overpopulation of our so called superior species is what scares me. If you have ever seen the footage of the rat epidemic in Australia you'll understand the perspective a little. No one ever said life is fair. It's usually tragic. That kid across the street who can't talk, walk, feed himself, or ever leave his parent's care. The people in hospital beds who had an accident that should have killed them, but instead are just a heap kept alive by modern science, a machine breathing for them. All the unfortunates who were destined for death, but are alive due to laws and abundance of foolishness. Let the dead die, and concentrate on the living.
The saddest part of our current plight is that it all revolves around power and money. There are a bunch of people out there that, wether can admit it or not, own us. You know who they are, they are senators and presidents, politicians and businesspeople. They say that this is our land, but most of us don't have a place to call our own. The leaders of the world tell us they have our interests in mind, unless they are honest and then they're called dictators. These are the ones with huge houses and a few each. They encourage "freedom", saying that it's cool if you have four kids, a polluting, inefficient, massive vehicle. It's great for you to have your own business, as long as you pay taxes. It's great if you're a cutthroat lobbyist or a lying wall street shark.
What about going out and farming a little peice of land? Only if you can afford it, they say. Only if the state and the feds get their cut, junior. There is no freedom, not in this system. The reason it is failing, along with the rest of the world, is due to greed and lust of power. How many times has someone implied that they are better than you? How many times have they proven it? It seems to me that, even though I'm a rambling fool, the powers that be just want to stay just that. Until the last little bit of grain is gone, until drinking water is all but gone, the guys on top just want to stay there, no matter how far they have to fall in the end.
Overpopulation of the human race, wich in nature's grasp would be impossible, will become the number one underlying problem of the modern world. I say this in complete confidence that my view of the world will be ignored. Just keep in mind that in 2006 the estimated world population hit eight billion, and it takes one tenth of the time to double that population.
Please, outlaw invetro fertilization and fertility drugs, promote adoption. There are plenty of kids out there who need a good home already. Listen to nature, if you can't get pregnant it's time to adopt. Some things just aren't meant to be.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Snow more or snow no more
Today was one of those days that it made you think about skiing. It was gray, and kept giving little tease snow flurries, pretending that the sky would open up and bury us in a clean, crisp new layer of snow. Alas, that has not happened yet. I hope to wake to enough snow that I have to go shovel. It's been a while since I got to throw snow. I like to shovel, it says to me that winter is here to help, to help me ski and maintain that sense of flight I usually only get on a bicycle. I know that my skis are ready to go, sitting in a corner ready and tuned, fresh wax and edges sharp just the way I like them, 89.
The snowfall also makes me think of six months from now, in the heat of June, that snowpack will still be melting and feeding our streams, rivers and filling our lakes. Right now, however, I think about our low snowpack. How this year colder, but drier than last. I hate draught. It makes it hot, the dust makes Colorado seem hazy, dangerous.
I've seen fires sweep the land, and next time will be worse than last, I think. The beetlekill forests have red, dry and ready kindling by thousands of acres, a giant matchbook. Fuck hell fire is what may prevail, is an eventuality. something to prepare for....unless we get more snow. then it might be staved off for another year.
Still, I went and rode my bike today. riding manuals down the street felt really good. I love my bikes, even when it is a filthy, icy mess outside. I put some fenders on my wife's bike today, at her request. I'm glad she got them, I think the Schwinn will be a great commuter for her. It fits her, rides smooth, is tough and she looks good on it. Oh, how shallow am I? I'm just happy she's riding it to work. Bikes are way more fun than cars, especially when you get to break up your day with a little lunch ride home.
good night fuckers...haha
The snowfall also makes me think of six months from now, in the heat of June, that snowpack will still be melting and feeding our streams, rivers and filling our lakes. Right now, however, I think about our low snowpack. How this year colder, but drier than last. I hate draught. It makes it hot, the dust makes Colorado seem hazy, dangerous.
I've seen fires sweep the land, and next time will be worse than last, I think. The beetlekill forests have red, dry and ready kindling by thousands of acres, a giant matchbook. Fuck hell fire is what may prevail, is an eventuality. something to prepare for....unless we get more snow. then it might be staved off for another year.
Still, I went and rode my bike today. riding manuals down the street felt really good. I love my bikes, even when it is a filthy, icy mess outside. I put some fenders on my wife's bike today, at her request. I'm glad she got them, I think the Schwinn will be a great commuter for her. It fits her, rides smooth, is tough and she looks good on it. Oh, how shallow am I? I'm just happy she's riding it to work. Bikes are way more fun than cars, especially when you get to break up your day with a little lunch ride home.
good night fuckers...haha
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Winter gets so long
When I get to thinking more about the summer to come, the snow begins to lose it's appeal. Maybe it's because we haven't had any new snow in over a week, or maybe it's because of all the work I've been doing to get the team ready for a busy race schedule. Either way, it's hard to get into the sliding feel of crusty, old snow. It just feels so static right now, like and old blanket that doesn't quite keep you warm anymore or a song that you used to love but listened to far too many times.
It's always fun to ski, once you get out on the hill, no matter what the conditions are. I hate the fact that I haven't had a good tree run where I want to this whole season. It's like we're in a draught again, even though the last one still hasn't even begun to fade from my mind. The worst year of the last draught, you could put flame to a green bough on a douglas fir, and it would go up like it was soaked in gasoline. It was a scary time for a lot of people, Glenwood Springs nearly was caught in a fire, literally two hundred yards from the community center. My friend Darin was managing the building at the time, and evacuated before the fire department told him to. I'd hate to see that again, camping isn't the same without a fire.
I sit here now writing in my bored evening, having already tuned skis and bikes to perfection, finished art projects earlier in the week, my wife out at a friends house, and myself without enough cash to even get a beer. I'm not complaining, maybe a little, about my unfunded reality. I work as much as I can, fixing things and doing various jobs as a handyman, but there's only so much work. I don't have that whole forty hours a week thing and I want it that way. It helps me keep tabs on all the goings on at Banshee Bikes, and lets me run the factory team known as Banshee dead bros much better. I guess it's not that bad to go without all those things I used to just go and do. I don't eat out anymore, I drink far less, and from what they say I'll live longer for it. It'll seem longer, at any rate.
I'm looking forward to racing a new style of mountain bike racing, known as super-d. It's a type of race that goes for 20 or 30 minutes, has a bit of climbing and more technical descents than cross country. I definitely have more focus on my fitness now, and what I need to change to be a better rider. I'll continue with all the street riding I do, and the regular mountain biking, but also add more miles on the road bikes and do more to increase my fitness. I don't think I'll ever quit having a drink when I feel like it, but at least I'm a little more concious of my intake. We'll see how I do in this new challenge, I have no fear or apprehension about it. I raced downhill for a while, I've done a little cross country, and even a little cyclo cross. I think I'll be allright.
But for now, I think I'll go see if I don't have a little wiskey I might have forgotten in the freezer. Cheers! Linden
It's always fun to ski, once you get out on the hill, no matter what the conditions are. I hate the fact that I haven't had a good tree run where I want to this whole season. It's like we're in a draught again, even though the last one still hasn't even begun to fade from my mind. The worst year of the last draught, you could put flame to a green bough on a douglas fir, and it would go up like it was soaked in gasoline. It was a scary time for a lot of people, Glenwood Springs nearly was caught in a fire, literally two hundred yards from the community center. My friend Darin was managing the building at the time, and evacuated before the fire department told him to. I'd hate to see that again, camping isn't the same without a fire.
I sit here now writing in my bored evening, having already tuned skis and bikes to perfection, finished art projects earlier in the week, my wife out at a friends house, and myself without enough cash to even get a beer. I'm not complaining, maybe a little, about my unfunded reality. I work as much as I can, fixing things and doing various jobs as a handyman, but there's only so much work. I don't have that whole forty hours a week thing and I want it that way. It helps me keep tabs on all the goings on at Banshee Bikes, and lets me run the factory team known as Banshee dead bros much better. I guess it's not that bad to go without all those things I used to just go and do. I don't eat out anymore, I drink far less, and from what they say I'll live longer for it. It'll seem longer, at any rate.
I'm looking forward to racing a new style of mountain bike racing, known as super-d. It's a type of race that goes for 20 or 30 minutes, has a bit of climbing and more technical descents than cross country. I definitely have more focus on my fitness now, and what I need to change to be a better rider. I'll continue with all the street riding I do, and the regular mountain biking, but also add more miles on the road bikes and do more to increase my fitness. I don't think I'll ever quit having a drink when I feel like it, but at least I'm a little more concious of my intake. We'll see how I do in this new challenge, I have no fear or apprehension about it. I raced downhill for a while, I've done a little cross country, and even a little cyclo cross. I think I'll be allright.
But for now, I think I'll go see if I don't have a little wiskey I might have forgotten in the freezer. Cheers! Linden
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